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Universal Catalogue

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The Universal Catalogue comprises information regarding Language Resources (LRs) identified all over the world. These LRs are generally located by the ELRA team, but feedback from our members, collaborators, and web-site visitors is also included.

The Universal Catalogue is publicly open to the general language-technology and language-studying communities so as to facilitate both LR search and storage to all LR users. Both activities are done in a simplified and shareable manner.

Our aim is to provide information about all existing Language Resources, by means of this repository, so as to spare researchers and developers from investing efforts to rebuild resources which already exist as well as help them to identify and access these resources.

The current Universal Catalogue represents the first phase of an international cooperation work. The second phase will be done in collaboration with other partners who conduct similar initiatives in the U.S.A and Japan.

The Universal Catalogue also allows for a collaborative enriching, by means of collecting information from all interested people. We strongly encourage all of you to share information you know about existing resources. The more exhaustive the Universal Catalogue is the more useful it will be for all of you.

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The information provided by means of this form is uploaded into our Universal Catalogue and the ELRA team validates it upon arrival making it available almost immediately.