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In memoriam, Thierry Declerck (1959-2023)

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The Board of ELRA and the ELDA team express their deep sadness at the sudden passing of Thierry Declerck on June 27, 2023 while he was attending the eLex 2023 Conference in Brno.

Thierry was a consultant at DFKI and lecturer at the Language Science and Technology Department of Saarland University. He has been involved in numerous European projects and initiatives. He was also taking an active part in several scientific communities and associations including CLARIN, and EURALEX, where many praise his commitment, dedication and generosity.

From 2012 on, Thierry has joined the ELRA Board as a Board member and the LREC Programme committee, and he has held the position of Vice-President from 2016 to 2018.

For all of us, he was a great colleague, bright and witty, for some, he was a long standing friend who will be dearly missed.

Our thoughts and condolences go to his family and his friends.

For those who would like to express their condolences and memories, the Nexuslinguarum site is available at
