TC-Star Evaluation Information (WP4)

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TTS Evaluation - Run #3

The TTS#3 evaluation dates have changed !!

For Chinese: from 09.02.2007 to 15.02.2007.

For the other tasks: from 16.02.2007 to 22.02.2007.


TTS evaluation data are available here.

The schedule of the whole TC-STAR Evaluation Run #3 can be seen here.


TTS Evaluation Tasks

TTS evaluations will be run in 3 languages: UK English (EN), Spanish (ES) and Chinese Mandarin (CN)..

Text Processing CANCELED EN
Acoustic Synthesis System EN
TTS System EN, ES, CN
Intra-lingual Voice Conversion (IVC)
Cross-lingual Voice Conversion (CVC)
ES (target: EN)
Cross-lingual Voice Conversion based found data (fCVC) ES (target: EN)

Evaluation of speech synthesis Modules

Text Processing (M1) CANCELED

M1.1   Non Standard Word Normalization
M1.3   POS Tagging
M1.4   Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion

Acoustic Synthesis (M3)

M3.2   MOS Tests

TTS System (S)

S1        MOS Tests
S2        Evaluation of intelligibility in the translation scenario

Evaluation of Research Topics

Evaluation of Intra-lingual Voice Conversion (IVC)

IVC1   Comparison of speaker identities
IVC2   Evaluation of overall speech quality

Evaluation of Cross-lingual Voice Conversion (CVC)

CVC1   Comparison of speaker identities
CVC2   Evaluation of overall speech quality

Evaluation of Cross-lingual Voice Conversion based on found data (fCVC)

fCVC1   Comparison of speaker identities
fCVC2   Evaluation of overall speech quality

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TTS Development Data

Data Description



Intra-lingual Voice Conversion (IVC):
Conversion directions:
75 (F) -> 76 (F)

75 (F) -> 79 (M)
80 (M) -> 76 (F)
80 (M) -> 79 (M)


Data can be downloaded from: vc-train-english.tgz (~ 2Go)

If you already have the data, you can simply use the following index: vcr_en.train

Intra-lingual Voice Conversion (IVC):

Conversion directions:
75 (F) -> 76 (F)

75 (F) -> 79 (M)
80 (M) -> 76 (F)
80 (M) -> 79 (M)


Data can be downloaded from:

Part 1: vc-train-spanish_7576.tgz (~ 1Go)

Part 2: vc-train-spanish_7980.tgz (~ 1Go)

If you already have the data, you can simply use the following index: vcr_es.train

Intra-lingual Voice Conversion (IVC):

Conversion directions:
01 (F) -> 03 (F)
01 (F) -> 02 (M)
02 (M) -> 03 (F)


Data can be downloaded from: vc-train-mandarin_nokia.tgz (~2Go)

Part 1 : vc-train-mandarin_03.tgz (~ 1Go)

Part 2 : vc-train-mandarin_04.tgz (~ 1Go)

If you already have the data, you can simply use the following index: vcr_zh.train

Cross-lingual Voice Conversion (CVC):
- The source are the Spanish voices (speakers 75 and 80); the target are the English voices (speakers 76 and 79).
- Participants cannot use the information of the target in Spanish!!! only English (except that they can find some f0 features of the target in Spanish, as the f0 mean.)
- Participants can use the information of the source in English.
- Additionally they can use the information of the source in Spanish (but they  have to communicate it in the submission:  the approach requires bilingual source speakers, i.e., CVC-bl).

ES (target: EN)

See above.

Cross-lingual Voice Conversion based on found data (fCVC):

- The target are two english politicians: Speaker 1 (CC) and Speaker 2 (DA). Data are: Audio segments (.wav), Verbatim transcriptions (.stm), Translation in Spanish (.txt).

- The source is the IBM TTS based on the TC-STAR baseline voice (spk 73, male).

ES (target: EN)

Speaker 1 (CC):
(249 audio segments, total: 27 min)

Speaker 2 (DA):
(161 audio segments, total: 19 min)

For the source, you can use the following development data:

* TTS samples (provided by IBM): fvc_source_tts_data.tgz
* Original data from spk 73: fvc_source_real_data.tgz


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TTS Test data

Data Description



Text Processing (M1.1 / M1.3 / M1.4)
Text corpus EN CANCELED
Acoustic Synthesis (M3.2)

Acoutic Synthesis (M3.2) - English

Prosodic descriptions (XML)

9 paragraphs:

TTS (S1 / S2)

TTS System (S1 + S2) - English

Paragraphs to synthetise
Format: SSML / Unicode UTF-8

Task S1 (40 paragraphs):

Task S2 (160 sentences): tcs-tts-eval3-S2-en.txt

TTS System (S1 + S2) - Spanish

Paragraphs to synthetise
Format: SSML / Unicode UTF-8

Task S1 (40 paragraphs):

Task S2 (160 sentences): tcs-tts-eval3-S2-es.txt

TTS System (S1) - Chinese

Paragraphs to synthetise
Format: SSML / Unicode UTF-8


Task S1 (37 paragraphs):

Voice Conversion (IVC / CVC / fCVC)
Intra-lingual Voice Conversion (IVC) - Chinese

3 conversion directions:
01 (F) -> 03 (F)
01 (F) -> 02 (M)
02 (M) -> 03 (F)
Source voices:

Either download data from:
Voice 01: vc-evaluation-mandarin_01.tgz
Voice 02: vc-evaluation-mandarin_02.tgz

Or (if you already have the data) simply use the following index: vcr_zh.test

Intra-lingual Voice Conversion (IVC) - English

4 conversion directions:
75 (F) -> 76 (F)
75 (F) -> 79 (M)
80 (M) -> 76 (F)
80 (M) -> 79 (M)

Source voices:

Either download data from:
Voice 75: vc-evaluation-english-75.tgz
Voice 80: vc-evaluation-english-80.tgz

Or (if you already have the data) simply use the following index: vcr_en.test

Intra-lingual Voice Conversion (IVC) - Spanish

4 conversion directions:
75 (F) -> 76 (F)
75 (F) -> 79 (M)
80 (M) -> 76 (F)
80 (M) -> 79 (M)
Source voices:

Either download data from:
Voice 75: vc-evaluation-spanish-75.tgz
Voice 80: vc-evaluation-spanish-80.tgz

Or (if you already have the data) simply use the following index: vcr_es.test

Cross-lingual Voice Conversion (CVC) - Spanish to English

The sources are the Spanish voices (speakers 75 and 80)
The targets are the English voices (speakers 76 and 79)

Source: ES
Target: EN

See IVC - Spanish

Cross-lingual Voice Conversion based on found data (fCVC) - Spanish to English

The source is the IBM TTS based on the TC-STAR baseline voice (spk 73, male).
The targets are the voices of two English politicians.

Source: ES
Target: EN

Source voice (50 sentences):

Voice 73 (IBM TTS): IBM_VC_ES_EvalSet.tar.bz2

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TTS Participants

Available soon...

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TTS Results

Available soon...

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