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Automatic collection and processing of voice data from air-traffic communications

ATCO2 project aims at developing a unique platform allowing to collect, organize and pre-process air-traffic control (voice communication) data from air space. Preliminarily the project will consider the real-time voice communication between air-traffic controllers and pilots available either directly through publicly accessible radio frequency channels, or indirectly from air-navigation service providers (ANSPs). In addition to the voice communication, the contextual information available in a form of metadata (i.e. surveillance data) will be exploited. 

ELDA’s Activities

ELDA is involved in clearing legal aspects surrounding collection and processing of air-traffic speech data with regards with several key aspects such as intellectual property, respect of privacy regulation, reuse of public sector information.


November 2020 – March 2022


  • IDIAP Research Institute (Project Coordinator)
  • Opensky Network
  • ELDA
  • Replaywell
  • Romagnatech
  • Saarland University
  • Brno University of Technology