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TrebleCLEF supports the development and consolidation of expertise in the multidisciplinary research area of multilingual information access (MLIA) and disseminates this knowhow to the application communities through a set of complementary activities, with the following objectives :

  • To promote high standards of evaluation in MLIA systems using three approaches : test collections ; user evaluation ; and log file analysis
  • To sustain a MLIA evaluation community by organizing annual evaluation campaigns and providing high quality access to past evaluation results
  • To disseminate knowhow, tools, resources and best practice guidelines, enabling system developers to make content and knowledge accessible, usable and exploitable over time, over media and over language boundaries.

Within the TrebleCLEF project, ELDA is the coordinator of the "Evaluation and Language Resources" Work Package (WP5). Within this WP, ELDA has conducted a survey on "best practices for MLIA resources" and is coordinating the production of CLEF evaluation packages (inventory of available resources from all CLEF campaigns, negotiation of IPR and distribution agreements, packaging of resources).

Events organized by ELDA : TrebleCLEF Advisory Board & Review Meetings in Paris, on January 13-17 2009.
