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The aim of the GEMA project is to provide a central and organised access point for the linguistic sector and to build and develop a linguistic portal with the corresponding services. Those services will cover a large range of activities, disciplines and needs of this sector and will include : on-line resource consultation services, on-line resource and tool acquisition services, information services, forum services and value-added services.

GEMA has been conceived with the latest technologies in terms of Web developments, and relies on the strong experience of some of its partners in the language sector. From its very first design, the project clearly focuses on the users’ needs and constantly search for their validation and feedback on the developments and functionality of the services.

From January 2000 to April 2001

Contact ELDA

Khalid Choukri, ELDA managing director,

Emilie Marquois, project manager


CL Edition Multilingue

Consortium Partners

-  CL Edition Multilingue,
-  Tecksys (ex Infopartners),
-  H3D,