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Overview of existing LRs for languages spoken in France

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As part of the National Call 2017 on Language & Digital Technology, the Délégation Générale à la Langue Française et aux Langues de France (DGLFLF) is supporting a number of innovative projects on the 3 following topics:

  • Semantic Web
  • Language Technologies
  • Language Resources

For the Language Resources topic, the aim is to shed light on the role of Language Resources (and other types of resources) in the linguistic diversity in France for the languages other than French.

As a follow-up of the Inventory on existing Language Resoures for languages of France (other than French language) carried out in 2012-2013 by ELDA, this project is about enhancing the inventory. In order to achieve this objective, ELDA will:

1. update the existing Inventory by providing new and/or updated information on LRs sources and descriptions, and complement the inventory by identifying new resources
2. survey the conditions under which the resources can currently be shared, including the negotiations and IPR clearance steps needed to make the resources available to the HLT community for R&D purposes.