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LDS - the Common European Language Data Space

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The Common European Language Data Space (LDS) project was launched on January 19, 2023. The 3-year project will aim at establishing a European platform and marketplace for the collection, creation, sharing and re-use of multilingual and multimodal language data.

The service contract has been established between the European Commission and the four partners consortium composed of:

  •     German Research Center for Artificial intelligence (DFKI) (coordinator),
  •     Evaluations and Language Resources Distribution Agency (ELDA),
  •     Athena Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge   Technologies (ILSP),
  •     SIA Tilde

ELRA, through its operational body ELDA, will be involved in several work packages.

More details will be provided soon on the dedicated website. In the meantime, you can subscribe to the @LangDataSpace Twitter account.